University of Illinois System


In December 2003, the University implemented the Banner Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. With the launch of the ERP, human resource transaction processors were required to maintain almost four times the number of data elements as in the previous electronic system, Electronic Change of Status (ECOS). Along with the additional workload, the business process and screen layout of Banner significantly increased the end-to-end processing time of human resource transactions.

Upon the recommendation of an HR/Pay advisory group, an ITPC project (HR/Pay Transaction
Processing Improvement Initiative, ITPC-0052) was formed to design a new front-end interface.
With the assistance of over 150 Banner HR/Pay users from all levels of the University community, twelve key pieces of functionality were defined to meet the following four goals:

  • reduce unit workload
  • improve data integrity
  • reduce operating costs
  • improve employee satisfaction with the system

An oversight group composed of university Vice Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents, and campus Provosts approved the functional specifications and funding for a new ITPC project (HR Front End, ITPC-0175) to execute the coding, training, and implementation of the HR Front End Application (HRFE). The ITPC project (jointly managed by University Administrative Information Technology Systems and University Human Resources) began on 16 January 2006 with a budget of $4.7 million.

Application Functionality

The HRFE application contains modules for processing most of the key human resource events within an employee’s employment cycle including new hire, add a job, employee data maintenance, job record change, end a job, historical job change, labor distribution change, reappointment, and separation. The application also contains modules to enhance the processor’s experience with transaction processing including business rules and field edits, request authorization to an employee’s record, attach documents to a transaction, a “whole-person” view of employee information, context-sensitive online help, inbox/outboxes, customizable transaction routing, enhanced employee record search, complete audit trail and transaction history, a snapshot of employee jobs within the employment year, and wizards for completing complex transactions.


Click below to view a PowerPoint presentation of the Human Resources Front End (HRFE) Project

HRFE Project Overview