Civil Service employees and retirees may be eligible for an employee tuition waiver. Select one of the following for more information:
Policy Information
The tuition waiver benefit for an active Civil Service employee or Civil Service retiree attending college provides the following benefits and has the following limitations.
- Under the current sections of the Internal Revenue Code, the value of the undergraduate tuition waivers is not subject to taxation. Effective January 1, 2006, the University adopted an Educational Assistance Plan, complying with Internal Revenue Code Section 127, which excludes the value of graduate-level tuition waivers from taxable income up to $5,250 per year.
- Employees must meet the admission requirements for the institution they are attending, and space must be available in the desired course.
- Prior to enrolling in course(s), employee should discuss with his/her supervisor any arrangements that will be necessary for course(s) taken during working hours.
- Employees who resign or are terminated lose their eligibility for tuition and fee waivers and may not continue to attend courses. If an employee has worked 91 days in the semester at the time of resignation or termination, the employee may complete the course and does not have to repay the waived tuition.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for a tuition and fee waiver, you must hold an active status appointment, or an appointment designed to qualify for status (learner, trainee, apprentice, or provisional) of 50 percent or greater of full-time service for not less than three-fourths of the academic term (defined as 91 days in fall or spring or 41 days of summer term). The day within the term the employee starts employment is not a factor in reaching eligibility, rather the total days are considered. Contact your HR office to determine if your appointment type, start date, and length qualify for active status
Universities Offering Tuition Waivers
Retirees can only receive tuition and fee waivers for courses at one of the University of Illinois campuses (UIC, UIS, or UIUC).
In addition to attending one of the University of Illinois campuses, active Civil Service employees can attend other State Universities Civil Service System institutions. These include:
- Chicago State University
- Eastern Illinois University
- Governors State University
- Illinois State University
- Northeastern Illinois University
- Northern Illinois University
- Southern Illinois University
- University of Illinois
- Western Illinois University
Credit Hours Limits - Attending the University of Illinois
An employee on a 100 percent time appointment is eligible to receive a waiver for a maximum of 11 credit hours per semester.
An employee on a 50 percent to 99 percent time appointment is eligible to receive a waiver for a maximum of five credit hours per semester.
During the summer session, tuition and fee waivers are reduced to 50 percent of the credit hours allowed for a semester.
Credit Hours Limits - Attending other State Universities Civil Service System Institution
An employee on a 100 percent time appointment is eligible to receive a waiver for six credit hours per semester.
An employee on a 75 percent to 99 percent time appointment is eligible to receive a waiver for four credit hours per semester.
An employee on a 50 percent to 74 percent time appointment is eligible to receive a waiver for three credit hours per semester.
Application Procedure
University of Illinois Civil Service Employees Applying to any U of I University
All University of Illinois System employees taking courses at any University of Illinois System location should follow the below procedures to apply for a tuition waiver.
- Apply and be accepted to a program of study.
- Enroll in the course(s). No waiver form is required.
- The Financial Aid office will credit you for the value of the waiver based on your appointment criteria in the payroll system.
If you are a University of Illinois Civil Service retiree, contact your Human Resources office.
Any questions regarding tuition waivers should be directed to:
Chicago: Office of Financial Aid; (312) 996-3126;
Springfield: Office of Financial Aid; (217) 206-6724;
Urbana: Office of Student Financial Aid; (217) 333-0100; complete Contact Form
University of Illinois Civil Service Employees Applying to Another State Universities Civil Service System Institution
If you are a University of Illinois System Civil Service employee and will be attending another state university within the SUCSS, then complete the following steps:
- Apply and be accepted to a program of study.
- Enroll in the course(s)
- Complete the online Tuition Waiver application unless otherwise specified below:
- If attending Illinois State University, complete the ISU Request for Inter-Institutional Waiver of Tuition For Employees instead.
- If attending Southern Illinois University, complete the SIU employee tuition waiver form instead. Submit the completed form to your university or system Human Resources office.
- If attending Eastern Illinois University, include your EIU E number on the online Tuition Waiver application in the Comments section.
- The institution you are attending may require you to submit additional forms or provide additional information. Please follow any instructions the institution you are attending provides.
- The Human Resources office will notify the Financial Aid office of the state university you plan to attend.
- If you change the number of credit hours or change the course(s) you are taking, a new tuition waiver form must be completed and submitted.
- Contact the Financial Aid office of the state university you will be attending if you are incorrectly billed.
If you are a University of Illinois Civil Service retiree, contact your Human Resources office.
Cost Recovery and Self-Supporting Programs
The following are cost recovery and self-supporting programs that are not covered by tuition waivers.