University of Illinois System

System Office Wellness

The System Office promotes a culture of wellness and encourages employees to incorporate healthy practices that contribute to their overall well-being. The areas of wellness encompass Emotional, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social, and Spiritual needs for a healthy life balance. Check back often - these pages are updated regularly to include new programs and opportunities that may assist with your general health and well-being.

Wellness News

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On Demand

These activities are presented by Wellness Committee Members Joy Brownridge and Colleen Crawford. You are welcome to opt-out or modify any part, or all, of the activity if it does not feel right to you. If you have any injuries or medical considerations, please follow the advice given to you by your doctor or medical professional when deciding whether to participate in these activities. New activities will be added throughout the year. Please check back and enjoy!

System Programs

UI Stride

UI Stride is designed to encourage employees of University of Illinois System Office departments and units to get active and fit, connect with their System colleagues, and be part of an inclusive and vital community. This self-paced challenge is a fun, easy way to engage in friendly competition with other departments.

Read more on the UI Stride page!

More System Programs

More Tools and Opportunities

Wellness Influencers

  • Jasmine Bilangino, University Accounting & Financial Reporting
  • Colleen Crawford, System HR
  • Marcy Frerichs, System HR
  • Amy Frye, Office of Medicaid Innovation
  • Lizzy Hatcher, System HR
  • Jordan Killen, Campus Recreation, University of Illinois Springfield
  • Andrea Lasticly, University Payroll & Benefits
  • Misty Lockhart, Treasury Operations
  • Jill Odom, Office of the VP & Chief Financial Officer
  • Chelsey Phillips, President's Office
  • Ben Sands, Office for Planning & Budgeting
  • Lydia Schillinger, University Bursar
  • Suzanne Stadel, Office of Procurement Services

System Office employees interested in spreading the culture of wellness should email to express their interest in joining the program.

Expectations and Commitment


  • Employees may join at any time throughout the year with an expected commitment of one year starting from their first quarterly meeting. Influencers may continue their participation indefinitely beyond the first-year commitment if they so choose and should communicate their intent to continue or stop their participation to
  • Influencers are expected to attend and contribute to quarterly meetings. Contributions may include discussion of relevant wellness topics, sharing of practices happening within their unit, and volunteering to participate in System Office Wellness (SOW) events and initiatives.
  • Influencers are also expected to be the voice of SOW in their unit through promotion of SOW events, newsletters, and other resources. They are the “go to” person in their unit for all things wellness.
  • Influencers should have the desire to encourage a culture of whole-person well-being within their unit and the system as a whole.