University of Illinois System

FAQs: Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW)

This page is subject to change and will be updated as more information becomes available.

Legislation Effective Date: January 1, 2024
University of Illinois Implementation Date: March 31, 2024

FAQs last updated: September 18, 2024

The PLFAW legislation went into effect on January 1, 2024, however the law allows a 90 day wait-period. The University of Illinois will implement PLFAW leave beginning March 31, 2024 for eligible employees, however some 9- and 10-month faculty in Urbana may be able to use this leave prior to March 31, 2024. Please consult with university or system human resource office for additional information.

FAQs in this document are grouped as follows:

Earning Paid Leave
Using Paid Leave
Miscellaneous Scenarios
Instructional Considerations
Denying Leave
Department/Unit Miscellaneous Scenarios
Job Changes
Employee Position Scenarios

Return After Separating From the University
Scenario Table
Human Resources Leave Contacts



1. Which employees earn Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Employees in the following employment categories that do not currently earn vacation leave or Employee Requested Supervisor Approved (ERSA) leave are eligible for PLFAW leave:

  • Faculty with a 9-month or 10-month appointment or less
  • Academic Professionals with a 9-month or a 10-month appointment or less
  • Civil Service Extra Help
  • Civil Service Seasonal Extra Help
  • Academic Hourly    
  • 9-month Post Doctoral Research Associate

2. Which employees are NOT eligible for Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Employees who earn vacation leave or Employee Requested Supervisor Approved (ERSA) leave in a single position do not earn PLFAW leave. More information is below for employees who hold multiple positions or are represented by a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

3. Do students or graduate student employees earn Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

No. A student enrolled in and regularly attending classes in a college or university that is also the student’s employer, and who is employed on a temporary basis at less than full time at the college or university do not earn PLFAW. 

4. Do part-time employees earn Paid Leave For All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Perhaps. If they are in an employment category that is listed in Question #1, they will receive PLFAW leave regardless of if they are a full-time, part-time, or hourly employee.

5. Do employees who are in a Collective Bargaining Unit earn Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Perhaps. If they are in a collective bargaining unit and already earn vacation leave in a single position, they do not also earn PLFAW leave. If, however, they are in a collective bargaining unit and they do NOT earn vacation leave, consult with your university Labor and Employee Relations department for more information.

UIC employees currently covered under a collective bargaining agreement are not eligible for PLFAW. 

6. Are employees who work outside of Illinois or outside of the United States eligible for Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

If the position is eligible for PLFAW leave, then yes, they would receive PLFAW leave regardless of their work location. Contact your department/unit HR, System HR, UIS HR, or UI Health Leave Coordinator for eligibility determination for employees approved to work internationally.


Methods for Earning Paid Leave for All Workers Leave

7. How is Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) earned?

PLFAW leave has two (2) methods for earning leave which is dependent on the location and employment classification of the employee.

  • Frontloaded Method: Forty (40) hours (prorated via FTE) of PFLAW are provided to the employee at the beginning of each academic year. Leave for employees at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is prorated by both FTE and job duration.
  • Accrual Method: The employee earns PLFAW leave for hours worked. PLFAW leave will be accrued at a rate of one (1) hour of PLFAW leave for every forty (40) hours worked (1/40 = 0.025 accrual rate). 

8. Can employees choose which method (front load or accrual) they would like to earn for their Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

No. The frontloaded method and the accrual method are determined by the employee’s position classification and/or the university or system office.

9. How will an employee know which method (frontloaded or accrual) has been assigned to them for their Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Employees may check with their department/unit HR, System HR, UIS HR, or UI Health Leave Coordinator to verify if their PLFAW leave is front loaded or will accrue.

10. If an employee is eligible for Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave, how much leave will they earn?

Eligible employees may earn up to forty (40) hours of PLFAW leave each academic year. The employee’s earnings statement will provide instructions on how to access PLFAW leave balance information.

11. If an eligible hourly employee accrues Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave, how is the accrual calculated?

PLFAW leave will be accrued at a rate of one (1) hour of PLFAW leave for every forty (40) hours worked (1/40 = 0.025 accrual rate).  This accrual methodology applies regardless of the number of hours worked per week and the number of hourly positions. For example:

15.25 hours worked = 15.25*0.025 = 0.38125 = 0.38 hours accrued for PLFA
25 hours worked = 25 * 0.025 = 0.625 = 0.63 hours accrued for PLFA
45 hours worked = 45 * 0.025 = 1.125 = 1.13 hours accrued for PLFA

12. Will any hours worked prior to March 31, 2024 earn Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave? 

Yes.  For the accrual method, hours worked began accruing on January 1, 2024. However, employees at the University will begin using PLFAW leave on March 31, 2024.

13. How many PLFAW hours may be accrued each academic year? 

PLFAW hours accrued will not exceed forty (40) hours per academic year.

14. How much Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave would an eligible salaried employee (not hourly) who has an appointment that is less than twelve (12) months earn? 

January 1, 2024, through monthly eight (MN8, ending 8/15): 

  • Eligible employees, regardless of appointment duration, will receive a prorated amount of PLFAW based on their full-time equivalent (FTE).

Academic Year: 

  • Each academic year, any remaining PLFAW leave hours will NOT roll.  The next academic year PLFAW hours will be frontloaded based on full-time equivalent (FTE).  Job FTE * 40 (hours) = PLFAW leave.

15. How much Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave will an eligible faculty member with a 9- or 10-month appointment earn?

  • January 1, 2024, through monthly eight (MN8, ending 8/15): 
  • 9-month employees will earn a maximum of 20 hours of PLFAW based on full-time equivalent (FTE).  Job FTE * 20 (hours) = PLFAW leave.
  • 10-month employees will earn a maximum of 22 hours of PLFAW based on full-time equivalent (FTE).  Job FTE * 22 (hours) = PLFAW leave.

Academic Year: 

  • Each academic year, any remaining PLFAW leave hours will NOT roll.  The next academic year PLFAW hours will be front loaded based on full-time equivalent (FTE) for both 9- or 10-month employees or less.  Job FTE * 40 (hours) = PLFAW leave.

16. What happens to Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave hours remaining at the academic year roll each year?

Academic Year:

  • Non-Exempt and Hourly: BW19 to BW 18 (dates vary each year)
  • Exempt:  August 16 to August 15 (MN8)

Frontloaded Method: 

  • Any remaining PLFAW leave hours will NOT roll.  The next academic year PLFAW hours will be front loaded based on full-time equivalent (FTE).  Job FTE * 40 (hours) = PLFAW leave.

Accrual Method: 

  • Any remaining PLFAW leave hours will roll with a maximum roll of forty (40) hours.
  • PLFAW leave will be accrued at a rate of one (1) hour of PLFAW leave for every forty (40) hours worked (1/40 = 0.025 accrual rate).  This accrual methodology applies regardless of the number of hours worked per week and the number of hourly positions.

17. Is there a maximum accrual amount for Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Yes, employees who ACCRUE PLFAW leave can roll up to forty (40) hours of unused PLFAW leave from one academic year into the next.

18. If an employee has more than forty (40) hours of Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave, may they use all their PLFAW leave in a given academic year?

No. The maximum hours of PLFAW leave that can be used in a given academic year is forty (40) hours.

19. If an employee has a full-time equivalent (FTE) change, how does this affect Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

FTE Increases:

  • Frontloaded Method: PLFAW hours would be increased based on new FTE.
  • Accrual Method: No change. PLFAW leave is earned based on hours worked. 

FTE Decreases:

  • Frontloaded Method: PLFAW hours would remain the same.  Hours already granted would not be reduced.
  • Accrual Method: No change. PLFAW leave is earned based on hours worked.  


Using PLFA Leave Earned

20. How does an employee request to use Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Employees should follow their departmental procedures to notify their supervisor about their intent to use PFLAW leave.

An employee is not required to provide the reason for the leave, nor to provide documentation as proof or in support of the leave. Employees are required to request and record their leave usage. Employees may contact their department/unit HR, System HR, UIS HR, or UI Health Leave Coordinator for instructions on how to record this leave.

If use of the leave is foreseeable, the employee should provide 7 days’ notice to their unit or supervisor.

If the need to use the leave is not foreseeable, the employee should alert their unit or supervisor as soon as practicable.

Supervisors denying leave must follow, and be familiar with, the “Denying Leave” procedures and guidelines.  See the policy and denial related questions on this document.

21. May employees who accrue Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave use the leave hours prior to accruing the hours?

No, the PLFA hours must be accrued prior to using this leave.

22. Where does an employee find their Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave balance?

Employees should refer to their earnings statement or the Leave Balance Information page for more information.

23. When does a new employee begin earning Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave and may they use it when they start?

Frontloaded Method: 

  • PLFAW hours will be effective on the first date of hire. 
  • Eligible employees who are front loaded, may request to use PLFAW at the start of employment.
  • Employees whose PLFAW leave is front loaded may begin to use the leave beginning March 31, 2024, or upon their start date if after March 31.
  • Leave for employees at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is prorated by both FTE and job duration.

Accrual Method: 

  • PLFAW hours accrue at a rate of one (1) hour of PLFAW leave for every forty (40) hours worked (1/40 = 0.025 accrual rate).  This accrual methodology applies regardless of the number of hours worked per week and the number of hourly positions. 
  • Employees must have accrued hours to request and use PLFAW. 
  • Accrued PLFAW will be usable beginning March 31, 2024, for employees with a balance.

24. In what increments is Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave used?

  • PLFAW leave must be used in a minimum increment of two (2) hours and not to exceed the employees scheduled workday. 
  • If an employee’s workday is less than two (2) hours in a given day, the employee’s scheduled workday will be used to determine the amount of paid leave.

25. Should employees round Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave usage?

Increments of PLFAW beyond full hours should be rounded up to the nearest quarter hour, fifteen (15) minute increments.

26. May employees who earn Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave by the frontloaded method use all forty (40) hours in one (1) block of time (for example in one (1) work week)?

Yes. Employees have the flexibility to use their hours as they would like as long as they are scheduled to work when the PLFAW leave is used and the leave is not denied based on one of the denial reasons. 

27. Does Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave used count towards the Extra Help appointment limit of 900 hours of service?

No. PLFAW hours used do not decrease the balance of the 900 hours of service.  Only the hours spent working count toward the 900-hours of service limit.

28. How do employees using Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave record PLFAW leave used?

Non-Exempt and Hourly employees who are eligible for PLFAW, will use the applicable earn code (PLW) on their timesheet.

Exempt employees who are eligible for PLFAW, will follow the process they currently use or as directed by the university of system HR office.

29. If an employee has multiple positions, all of which earn Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave, are they able to use PLFAW hours on any of the positions?

Yes. As long as they are scheduled to work, employees may use the PLFAW hours on any of their positions.  

For example:

Position One (1) = two (2) hours balance
Position Two (2) = six (6) hours balance
Position Three (3) = sixteen (16) hours balance

  • Employee requests seven (7) hours of PLFAW from their supervisor from Position One (1).
  • Position one (1) has two (2) hours of PLFAW earned, but the employee has accrued a total of twenty-four (24) hours of PLFAW. 
  • The employee may use seven (7) hours of PLFAW on position one (1) and will have seventeen (17) hours remaining, in total. 
    • PLFAW usage is based on total hours accrued. 

30. Does an employee who uses Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave need to secure a replacement worker to cover the hours during which they will be away from work?

No. Employees are not required to search for or find a replacement worker for their PLFAW absence.

31. Can an eligible employee use their Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave to be paid even if they are not scheduled to work?

No. Employees may only use Paid Leave for All Workers leave if they are scheduled to work.

32. Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave has a PLFC bucket in PEALEAV.  What is this bucket for?

The PLFC bucket in PEALEAV is for PLFAW leave that may be a result in certain employee group changes, returning after leaving the University of Illinois, or other uncommon occurrences that are eligible for PLFAW.  See “Job Changes” and “Return After Termination” sections below. (coming soon). 


Miscellaneous Scenarios

33. Is Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave paid out when employment has ended at the University of Illinois System?

No. Financial payment from the employer to the employee is not required upon the employee’s termination, resignation, retirement or other separation.

34. Does Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave need to be requested in advance?

Employees are encouraged to let their unit or supervisor know in advance if they will be taking this leave. If the need to use this leave is not foreseeable, employees should alert their unit or supervisor as soon as practicable.

35. How does an employee alert their supervisor if they need to use Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave unexpectedly?

Employees should follow their departmental procedures to notify their supervisor about their intent to use PLFAW leave.

36. Is a doctor’s note required when using Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

No. Neither the unit nor the supervisor can require documentation or require a reason for taking PLFAW leave.

37. Does Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave transfer to a new position(s) and/or if an employee changes positions and moves to a different college, department, or university?

Employees who stay within the University of Illinois System will retain any unused PLFAW leave hours.  See section below regarding “Job Change Scenarios”.  (coming soon)

38. Does an employee who leaves the University of Illinois System and returns at a later date receive their earned Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave upon return?

Frontloaded Method: If the employee returns in the same leave year (academic year), the available balance is reinstated into the PLFAW bucket (beginning balance) as they earned via the frontloading method. 

Accrual Method:  If employee has returned within 12 months from their termination date, the balance is reinstated into the PLFC bucket (beginning balance) as they earned via the accrual method.  The hours will remain here until used or until 1 year after termination.

See the “Return After Termination” section below for more information. (coming soon).

39. What if an employee has an appointment for three (3) or six (6) months, do they earn Paid for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Yes, if the employee is in a PLFAW eligible position.

40. What if an employee needs additional leave beyond the 40 hours provided under the Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) Act?

Employees should consult with their university or system human resource office to discuss what other leave types might be available.


Instructional Considerations

41. May faculty use Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave on days when they are scheduled to teach?

Faculty are encouraged to use PLFAW on non-teaching days or in hourly increments (minimum two (2) hours) that do not impact instruction when the absence is foreseeable.

42. How does a faculty member request Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave for one (1) class session (minimal impact to instruction) when not foreseeable?

The faculty member should notify their unit executive officer or designee of the class cancellation per routine unit practices.

43. Does a faculty member who is utilizing Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave need to secure a substitute instructor and alternative class activities in the exceptional situation when scheduled to teach? 

No. Faculty are not required to search for or find a replacement instructor or scheduling alternative class activities.

44. Can a unit executive officer or designee deny a faculty request for Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Yes. If the requested leave interferes with core operations or critical functions, requests may be denied. For example, if they request foreseeable leave on a day they are scheduled to teach a class that meets once a week for three (3) hours, the leave request may be denied. 

45. Can a faculty member use Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave during the week of finals or when an exam is scheduled for a course they teach?

It is likely the PLFAW request will be denied during these critical student assessment periods. Faculty  are encouraged to use PLFAW on non-teaching days or in hourly increments (minimum two (2) hours) that do not impact instruction when the absence is foreseeable.

46. Can faculty use Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave during non-instructional periods such as fall break, winter break, and spring break? 

Yes. These break periods are preferable for PLFAW usage because classes are not in session and instruction is not impacted.

47. Do faculty with summer appointments receive Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave? 

Yes. Faculty will receive PLFAW (prorated via FTE) via the frontloaded method if the current balance of PLFAW is not at the maximum amount of forty (40) hours.

48. If a faculty member’s only appointment is during the summer period, will they receive Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave apply?

Yes. Faculty will receive PLFAW (prorated via FTE) via the frontloaded method.

49. Does an adjunct faculty member who teaches one (1) class for one (1) semester earn Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Yes. Adjunct faculty will receive PLFAW (prorated via FTE) via the frontloaded method.

50. Can units require faculty to use Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave during fall, winter, or spring instructional breaks on days that are not university holidays?

Eligible faculty may use PLFAW leave during the academic year while they hold an appointment, including fall, winter and spring breaks. Units may not require employees to use PLFAW leave on specific dates.


Denying Leave

51. Can a supervisor deny an employee’s request to use Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Departments do have the ability to deny PLFAW leave under limited circumstances as shown below:

  1. The employee does not qualify for or has exhausted their Paid Leave for All Workers leave.
  2. The employee is not scheduled to work during the period in which leave is being requested.
  3. The employee is needed to fulfill minimum established staffing requirements in order to meet a legal, contractual, or accreditation obligation.
  4. The employee’s absence will have a significant impact on the delivery of a service that is critical to the health, safety, or welfare of the University of Illinois.
  5. The employee has instructional responsibilities during critical periods, including but not limited to the week prior to, and the week of, midterms and finals.
  6. The employee is requesting leave in the week before the beginning of a semester and has a job function critical to the planning and preparation for the semester.
  7. The employee has requested leave in a limited circumstance in which the employee’s services are absolutely necessary to a function that is core to the university’s operations during the period in question. Units should understand that a denial based on this reason should be used sparingly and only after consultation with university or system human resources.

52. How is Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave denied?

At this time, departments and/or supervisors denying leave must consult with their university HR, System HR, UIS HR, or UI Health Leave Coordinator to complete the PLFAW Denial Form for each leave denial.

In the coming months, supervisors must submit PLFAW denials electronically via the PLFAW Denial System to ensure compliance with the PLFAW Act.

Supervisors may access the denial system at: (coming soon)

The employee will receive an automated message that their leave has been denied when the supervisor completes the denial form in the required electronic system.

53. Can a unit or supervisor prohibit an employee from using Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave for no-call, no-show absences?

Current departmental procedures should be followed for no-call, no-show absences.


Department/Unit Scenarios

54. How is Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave usage recorded?  And, how is it uploaded to PEALEAV.

Faculty and Exempt employees will record PLFAW leave in their leave usage system.  If the unit/department does not use a system, they will need to manually track the leave. PEALEAV will be updated with the May and August upload. 

Non-Exempt and Hourly employees will record PLFAW via web time or department time entry using the PLFAW Earn Code = PLW.   PEALEAV is automatically updated.

55. Will there be a report available to review Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave balances/accruals and usage for employees in a given organization (ORG)?

Yes.  There is currently a PEALEAV report in the HR Reporting Portal. PLFAW will be added to this report, which can be filtered by employee or by organization (ORG) code.

56. Who covers the cost for Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave?

Departments/Units will cover the cost for PLFAW for employees in their unit. 

Employees may use PLFAW on any position, regardless of rate of pay.

Employees paid by grant funds are still eligible to use PLFAW leave.  If the grant has an exception, the unit will need to cover the cost with their state or ICR funds, for example, by way of a Labor Redistribution. 

Unit/college business offices may assist with costing information associated with PLFAW or contact University or System human resources with questions.

57. What if an employee uses Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave and then resigns or is terminated?

Frontloaded Method: Eligible employees may use their PLFAW leave during the academic year.  They will not need to reimburse the university upon resignation or termination.

Accrual Method: Eligible employees may use their PLFAW leave once accrued and during the academic year not to exceed forty (40) hours. They will not need to reimburse the university upon resignation or termination.

58. Can a department require that Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave be used first before other leave types?

No. Departments must allow employees with PLFAW to use the leave regardless of other leave options that might be available.

59. If an employee is a member of a collecting bargaining unit (CBA), they may not receive Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave. What if they were to secure another position, for example, an Academic Hourly position which is not in a CBA, would that second job receive PLFAW leave?

Assuming the union position does not provide a full forty (40) hours of vacation or PLFAW leave, then yes, the employee would be eligible to accrue PLFAW leave on the academic hourly position. Please consult with your university Labor and Employee Relations department for more information.

60. If an employee or faculty member moves in and out of a collective bargaining unit (CBA) (job change, extension), how is Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave handled?

If an employee holds a position covered by a union that does not earn PLFAW and then:

  • Has a change in their position and they are not in the union, if the new position is eligible for PLFAW, they would begin earning PLFAW by either the front-loaded method or the accrual method depending on the position classification.
  • Has another change in their position and they are again in the union, the employee would cease to earn PLFAW but would keep the PLFAW already earned and they can use the PLFAW earned.

Please consult with your university Labor and Employee Relations department for more information.

61. If an employee has a job that is eligible for Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) and has a position change to a position that is not eligible for PLFAW, do they get to keep the PLFAW earned on the original job?

Yes. PLFAW leave should not be diminished or taken away from the employee.

62. If an employee has a position that receives vacation leave and has a second position that does not receive vacation leave, are they eligible for Paid Leave for All Workers (PLFAW) leave on the second position?

If an employee is eligible to receive vacation leave of at least forty (40) hours per academic year, then they are not entitled to PLFAW leave.  If the vacation leave earned is less than forty (40) hours / five (5) days, then the employee may be entitled to PLFAW leave.


Job Changes

Human Resources (HR) Departmental Representatives, System HR, UIS HR, UI Heath HR are responsible for moving their employee Paid Leave for All Workers balances from old position to new position in PEALEAV.  If not moved, leave systems will place the taken into vacation leave or will error out with the webservice.

Accrual Method to Accrual Method (PLFA to PLFA)

  • Move available hours (current available hours) from old position to new position into the PLFA bucket (beginning balance).
  • New job continues on accrual method.

Frontloaded Method to Frontloaded Method (PLFA to PLFA)

  • Move available hours (current available hours) from old position to new position into the PLFA bucket (beginning balance).
  • Continues with the frontloading method.

Frontloaded Method to Accrual Method  (PLFA to PLFA)

  • Move available hours (current available hours) from old position to new position into the PLFA bucket (beginning balance).
  • Continues with the accrual method.
  • The frontloaded hours become part of the accrual method on the new job and will not zero out.

Accrual Method to Frontloaded Method (PLFA to PLFC)

  • Step One (1):  Move available accrued PLFA hours (current available hours) to the PLFC bucket (beginning balance).  The hours are moved to PLFC because the employee was not provided an opportunity to use the hours. The hours will remain here until used or until one (1) year after separation.
  • Step Two (2):  Allow new position to frontload up to forty (40) hours to PLFA regardless of the number of hours moved to PLFC.
  • Employee may have a greater balance between the PLFC + PLFA buckets of forty (40) hours.  However, employee may only use forty (40) hours per academic year.
  • Employee may choose the order in which to use PLFA, PLFC leave hours.

Accrual Method (one (1) position) to Frontloaded Method (two (2) positions) (PLFA to PLFC)

  • Step One (1):  Move available accrued PLFA hours (current available hours) to the PLFC bucket (beginning balance) of the primary position. The hours are moved to PLFC because the employee was not provided an opportunity to use the hours. The hours will remain here until used or until 1 year after separation.
  • Step Two (2):  Allow new position to populate forty (40) hours to PLFA regardless of the number of hours moved to PLFC.
  • Employee may have a greater balance between the PLFC + PLFA buckets of forty (40) hours.  However, employee may only use forty (40) hours per academic year.
  • Employee may choose the order in which to use PLFA, PLFC leave hours.

Beg Bal




Old Accrual Position
(move ten (10) hours, then zero out – PEALEAV
ent: Position No to Position No PLFA 10h)












New Frontloaded Position (primary)






New Frontloaded Position (primary)






New Frontloaded Position (secondary)







Frontloaded Method to Non-PLFA Eligible Position (PLFA to PLFA)

  • Move frontloaded PLFA hours (current available hours) from old position to new position into the PLFA bucket (beginning balance) as they were earned as frontloaded.
  • Hours will zero out at the academic year roll or may need to be manually removed.
  • New position will not earn PLFA.

Accrual Method to Non-PLFA Eligible Position (PLFA to PLFC)

  • Move accrued PLFA hours (current available hours) from old position to new position into the PLFC bucket (beginning balance) as they earned via the accrual method. 
    • The hours will remain here until used or until one (1) year after separation.
  • Employee will cease to earn additional PLFA while in the non-PLFA eligible position. 
  • PLFA/PLFC hours may be used for any reason and in any order.

Two (2) Positions with Frontloaded Method to One (1) Position Accrual Method (PLFA to PLFA)

  • Add available balances from previous frontloaded positions (current available hours) and move to new position into the PLFA bucket (beginning balance) as they earned via the frontloading method. 
  • The PLFA hours will not zero out as the new job is the accrual method. The hours now become a part of the accrual method and subject to the accrual method rules.
  • The new position will accrue one-fortieth (1/40)*FTE in the PLFA bucket.
  • Employee may have a greater balance than forty (40) hours.  However, employee may only use forty (40) hours per academic year.
  • New position continues on accrual method.

Accrual Method or Front Loaded Method to Unpaid or Fellowship position

  • PLFA balance is not reinstated.
  • The unpaid or fellowship position will not earn PLFA.

Employees Position Scenarios

Employee holds one (1) position, example:  Twenty (20)% BA. 

  • Employee would be receiving thirty-eight point four (38.4) hours of VACA/VACN/ERSA from the BA position.
  • Does the employee receive one point six (1.6) hours of PLFA?
    • Answer:  No.  

Employee holds two (2) positions:  Faculty with nine over twelve (9/12) Position (PLFA Eligible) and a twelve over twelve (12/12) Position (Earns VACA/VACN/ERSA on at twenty (20)% FTE or less, Non-PLFA Eligible)

  • Twelve over twelve (12/12) position earns VACA/VACN/ERSA (prorated via FTE) of less than forty (40) hours.
  • PLFA would need to be Frontloaded (prorated via FTE) on the nine over twelve (9/12) position to the PLFA bucket to equal forty (40) hours.
    • Example, twelve over twelve (12/12) position is twenty (20)% FTE = thirty-eight point four (38.4) hours vacation.  Nine over twelve (9/12) position receives one point six (1.6) hours PLFA beginning balance to equal forty (40) hours.
    • Example, twelve over twelve (12/12) position is twenty (20)% FTE = thirty-eight point four (38.4) hours vacation.  The second twelve over twelve (12/12) position is zero (0)% FTE receives one point six (1.6) hours PLFA beginning balance to equal forty (40) hours.

Employee holds two (2) positions, example:  eighty (80)% AA and twenty (20)% BA. 

  • BA Position at twenty (20)% = thirty-eight point four (38.4) hours of VACA/VACN/ERSA
  • Does the employee receive one point six (1.6) hours of PLFA on the AA position?
    • Answer:  Yes

Employee holds two (2) positions, example:  EH and twenty (20)% BA.  

  • Employee would be receiving thirty-eight point four (38.4) hours of VACA/VACN/ERSA from the BA position.
  • Does the employee receive PLFA?
    • Answer:  Yes.

Employee holds two (2) positions, example:  HA and twenty (20)% BA.  

  • Employee would be receiving thirty-eight point four (38.4) hours of VACA/VACN/ERSA from the BA position.
  • Does the employee receive PLFA?
    • Answer:  Yes.  


Return After Separating From The University

Employee was Frontloaded Method – Separated – Returned to Accrual Method (PLFA to PLFA)

  • If the employee returns in the same leave year (academic year), the current available hours are reinstated into the PLFA bucket (beginning balance) as they earned via the frontloading method.  However, the hours will not zero out as the new job is the accrual method.
    • Example:  Employee separated in November and returned in March (same leave/academic year) = available hours (current available hours) are reinstated into PLFA.
    • Example: Employee separated in March and returned in September (next leave/academic year) = zero (0) hours are reinstated.
  • The new position will accrue one fortieth (1/40)*FTE in the PLFA bucket. 
  • Employee may have a greater balance than forty (40) hours.  However, employee may only use forty (40) hours per academic year.
  • ISSUE:  The reinstated hours will not zero out as they would have if employee had not separated.  They would become a part of the accrual method and subject to the accrual method rules.

Employee was Frontloaded Method – Separated – Returned to a Frontloaded Method (PLFA to PLFA)

  • If the employee returns in the same leave year (academic year), PLFA will be reinstated.  Their available balance (current available hours) will be placed PLFA (beginning balance).
    • Example:  Employee separated in November and returned in March (same leave/academic year) = available hours (current available hours) are reinstated into PLFA.
    • Example: Employee separated in March and returned in September (next leave/academic year) = zero (0) hours are reinstated.
    • The new position will be manually frontloaded the balance to equal forty (40) hours (prorated based on FTE).
    • If hours are reinstated, PLFA cannot be reduced.  Reinstatement = the same or higher number of hours based on FTE.  Employee may have a greater balance than forty (40) hours.  However, employee may only use forty (40) hours per academic year.
  • The position will then populate each academic year at the roll.

Employee was Frontloaded Method – Separated – Returned to a position that is Not eligible for PLFA (PLFA to PLFA)

  • If the employee returns in the same leave year (academic year), PLFA will be reinstated.  Their available balance (current available hours) will be placed in PLFA (beginning balance).
    • Example:  Employee separated in November and returned in March (same leave/academic year) = available hours (current available hours) are reinstated into PLFA.  Hours will zero out at the academic year roll.
    • Example:  Employee separated in March and returned in September (next leave/academic year) = zero (0) hours are reinstated. 
  • New position is not eligible for PLFA.

Employee was Accrual Method – Separated – Returned to Accrual Method  (PLFA to PLFA)

  • If employee has returned within twelve (12) months from the date of their separation, the PLFA hours (current available hours) is reinstated into the PLFA bucket (beginning balance).
  • In addition, the new position will accrue at one fortieth (1/40)*FTE in the PLFA bucket. 

Employee was Accrual Method – Separated – Returned to a Frontloaded Method (PLFA to PLFC)

  • If employee has returned within twelve (12) months from the date of their separation, the PLFA hours (current available hours) is reinstated.
  • Their available balance (current available hours) will be placed in the PLFC bucket (beginning balance) as they earned via the accrual method. The hours will remain here until used or until one (1) year after separation.
  • Allow new position to populate forty (40) hours (prorated via FTE) to PLFA regardless of the number of hours moved to PLFC.
  • Employee may have a greater balance between the PLFC + PLFA buckets of forty (40) hours.  However, employee may only use forty (40) hours per academic year.
  • Employee may choose the order in which to use PLFA, PLFC leave hours.

Employee was Accrual Method – Separated – Returned to a position that is Not eligible for PLFA (PLFA to PLFC)

  • If employee has returned within twelve (12) months from the date of their separation, the PLFA hours (current available hours) is reinstated and placed in the PLFC bucket (beginning balance) as they earned via the accrual method.
  • The hours will remain here until used or until one (1) year after separation.
  • The new position will not earn PLFA.

Employee was Accrual or Front Loaded Method – Separated – Returned to an Unpaid or Fellowship position

  • PLFA balance is not reinstated.
  • The unpaid or fellowship position will not earn PLFA.

Scenario Table


Move Paid Leave Hours From Old Position Bucket

To New Position Bucket

Accrual Method to Accrual Method



Frontloaded Method to Frontloaded Method



Frontloaded Method to Accrual Method



Accrual Method to Frontloaded Method 



Accrual Method (one (1) position) to Frontloaded Method (two (2) positions)



Frontloaded Method to Non-PLFA Eligible Position



Accrual Method to Non-PLFA Eligible Position



Two (2) Positions with Frontloaded Method to One (1) Position Accrual Method



Faculty with 9/12 Position (eligible for PLFA) and 12/12 Position (not eligible for PLFA)

Add to PLFA on the 9/12 position


Accrual Method or Front Loaded Method to Unpaid or Fellowship position

Does NOT transfer


Employee was Frontloaded Method – Separated – Returned to Accrual Method 



Employee was Frontloaded Method – Separated – Returned to a Frontloaded Method



Employee was Frontloaded Method – Separated – Returned to a position that is Not eligible for PLFA



Employee was Accrual Method – Separated – Returned to Accrual Method



Employee was Accrual Method – Separated – Returned to a Frontloaded Method



Employee was Accrual Method – Separated – Returned to a position that is Not eligible for PLFA



Employee was Accrual or Front Loaded Method – Separated – Returned to an Unpaid or Fellowship position

Not reinstated



For more information, please visit the University Leaves webpage or contact your university or system human resources office