University of Illinois System

W-4 Withholding Allowance


Use the following pages to complete your Illinois State and Federal income tax withholding, or W-4 information. You are required to provide this information so the University can withhold the correct amount of income tax from your earnings. Most employees may use an online form. For policy or legal reasons some employees must complete and return paper tax forms.

You can adjust the amount of Illinois State and Federal income tax withheld by the University through the State and Federal Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificates, also known as W-4 tax forms.

The number of withholding allowances you claim determines the amount of your earnings exempt from taxation.

Any pay calculated before your W-4 information is received or your paper form is processed, will be taxed at a default rate equal to the "single" marital status/zero exemption allowance rate. This is required by Internal Revenue Procedures and will withhold at the highest rate available.

University Offices cannot give you tax advice. Contact the Federal or State Internal Revenue Service or your tax counselor for advice.

Changes to information submitted are "real time" updates and are immediately reflected in Banner/Payroll. You can view your change in the W-4 Form in My UI Info immediately.

Use the online process if you are a:

  • U.S. Citizen
  • Permanent Resident

Use a paper form (obtained from the Payroll office) if you are:

  • International staff who is not a Permanent Resident.
  • Residing in Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa or Kentucky, which have reciprocal tax agreements with Illinois, and intend to claim exemption from Illinois income tax withholding (IL-W5).
  • Changing residency from Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa or Kentucky to Illinois.
  • Non-Resident Alien (for tax purposes) must complete an appointment with University Payroll Customer Service to determine tax residency status.

If any one of the above statements is true, contact your Payroll Customer Service Center to obtain guidance on the proper form needed.