University of Illinois System

Accessibility Exception Review Process

  1. The Business Owner fills out the Exception Request form.
    • The form must include Unit Head's name and NetID.
    • The form must notify the Unit Head when it is submitted.
    • The form will be submitted to the System Office Accessibility Review Committee (SOARC).
  2. The SOARC reviews the evaluation request.
    • The SOARC chair or designee will review the requests weekly for completeness and determine if all request information is sufficient for review. If not sufficient, the SOARC chair or designee notifies the Business Owner of what further information is needed. Note: In most instances, the SOARC reviews the exception requests in the order that they are received.
    • SOARC chair or designee notifies the rest of the SOARC that the exception request is ready to review.
    • SOARC members review requests and provide a unified recommendation based on business need, university risk, accessibility of product and alternatives provided. If the SOARC determines that more information is needed, the chair or designee will contact the individual making the request to ask for further information. The chair or designee will notify the SOARC when the requested information is received.
  3. The Senior Director for System Human Resource Services is notified about the exception request and the SOARC’s unified recommendation. The Senior Director for System Human Resource Services has the option of overriding the recommendation or requesting further review.
  4. The Business Owner and their Unit Head are notified of SOARC’s decision.
  5. The Business Owner and their Unit head may request an appeal.
    • Appeals are directed to the Senior Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer. Appeals must be accompanied by a rationale for the appeal.
    • The Senior Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer makes final determination of the appeal. Note: Appeal decisions are final.
    • The SOARC, the Business Owner, and Unit Head are notified of the final decision.

Accessibility Exception Review Process Resources

System Office Accessibility Exception Review Process - PDF