University of Illinois System

Employee Job Record Change

Initiating a Change in Fields Only Editable at Central HR

In some cases you may have access to initate an Employee Job Record Change for a particular job, but you do not have security to edit the specific field(s) that need to be changed.  (For example, a Housing Allowance or other change is needed that must be made at the Central HR level.)  To request that Central HR make this type of change use the following steps to initiate a transaction:

  1. Open the Employee Record View.
  2. Choose Transactions - Employee Job Record Change.
  3. Select the appropriate Job Change Reason.
  4. Click Save.

The Memos tab should now be active, and you can type an explanation of the change that needs to be made.  The transaction is then ready to be routed.

If a pay has not been issued for a job you can remove the entire job record using the Employee Job Record Change transaction type.  This method can only be used if pay has never been processed for the job.

  1. Open the Employee Record View for the employee whose job record you wish to remove.
  2. Identify the job to be removed and click on it to expand the Job Detail accordion and note the Effective Date.
  3. In the View date field, type the Effective Date from the job record.
  4. Click View.
  5. Choose Transaction - Employee Job Record Change.
  6. Expand the Job Detail if not already expanded.

NOTE: At this point you should see a Delete Record button at the top of the Job Detail along with the text, "View date matches future effective-dated record.  This record can be deleted."

If you do not see this, then the View date has not been properly set.  (See steps 1 through 4 above.  To adjust the View date at this point you need to Cancel the changes made so far and start again.)

  1. Click Delete Record.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click the Memos tab and type a memo about why the record is being deleted.  Include your contact information.
  4. Click Route.

This transaction follows the same predefined route path any Employee Job Record Change would follow for this job.

Removing a Job Detail Record That Has Not Been Paid On

If a pay has not been issued for a job you can remove the entire job record using the Employee Job Record Change transaction type.  This method can only be used if pay has never been processed for the job.

  1. Open the Employee Record View for the employee whose job record you wish to remove.
  2. Identify the job to be removed and click on it to expand the Job Detail accordion and note the Effective Date.
  3. In the View date field, type the Effective Date from the job record.
  4. Click View.
  5. Choose Transaction�Employee Job Record Change.
  6. Expand the Job Detail if not already expanded.

NOTE: At this point you should see a Delete Record button at the top of the Job Detail along with the text, "View date matches future effective-dated record.  This record can be deleted."

If you do not see this, then the View date has not been properly set.  (See steps 1 through 4 above.  To adjust the View date at this point you need to Cancel the changes made so far and start again.)

  1. Click Delete Record.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click the Memos tab and type a memo about why the record is being deleted.  Include your contact information.
  4. Click Route.

This transaction follows the same predefined route path any Employee Job Record Change would follow for this job.

Salary Change

In some cases you may need to do a salary change.  This falls under the Employee Job Record Change transaction type.

  1. Enter the date in the View Date Field that you want the salary change to be effective. 
  2. Click View.
  3. Choose Transactions � Employee Job Record Change.
  4. Expand the Job Detail accordion of the job that will be affected.
  5. Enter the salaray feild that you are wishing to change and type in the new value.  The other salay field values will populate automatically.
  6. Select the appropriate Job Change Reason.
  7. Click Save.

Note: If the salaray feilds are uneditable check the step field.  Civil Service and some Student positions are on a step system and the step must be set at "0" if you want to change the salary manually.