University of Illinois System

Clarification Memo

TO: All Benefits-eligible employees

FROM: J. David Stewart, Interim Associate Vice President for Human Resources

DATE: June 26, 2006

RE: Sick Leave, Funeral/Bereavement Leave, and Parental Leave for Same-Sex Domestic Partners

In the interest of maintaining consistent interpretation and application of University of Illinois leave provisions, this memo serves as a clarification regarding Sick Leave, Funeral/Bereavement Leave, and Parental Leave.

Current policy provisions allow for leave utilization of Sick Leave, Funeral/Bereavement Leave and Parental Leave for employees' same-sex domestic partners. Eligibility is modeled on existing criteria contained in the University's Affidavit of Domestic Partnership.

View the University of Illinois Affidavit of Domestic Partnership form.

See the Leave section for general information about leave provisions. Specific questions should be directed to the campus Human Resources offices.