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Verifying the employment of a University of Illinois faculty or staff member is a simple process completed entirely online using our Employment Verification System (EVS). Use of the online system eliminates the long processing time formerly associated with fax or phone requests and allows almost immediate access to the employee’s verification information.
Before You Begin
You will need:
- A Vendor Access Number (VAN) – this number is established and provided to you by the employee.
- The employee’s Social Security number (SSN) or University ID number (UIN).
- The URL for the Employment Verification System: https://verifyemployment.uillinois.edu/
Access Employment Verification
To access the employment verification:
- Go to https://verifyemployment.uillinois.edu/ and follow the on-screen instructions.
- When prompted, enter the U of I employee’s SSN or UIN and the VAN the employee established for you.
- When the Employment Verification screen is displayed, print that page using your web browser.
- Once you have used the VAN, it is no longer available.
If you need assistance using the EVS, or need to verify past employment, please contact the appropriate Human Resources office.