University of Illinois System


Note: This is the Faculty Action Tracking form, and thereby used only for employees who are Faculty.


This is the unique University Identification Number (UIN) assigned to every individual affiliated with the University and recorded in Banner. This is the field into which to enter the UIN of the employee whose record is to be displayed.


This is the Employment status of the employee. it defaults from what is entered on the PEAEMPL form and is not editable. See the PEAEMPL document for valid values.


Primary Activity

This should always be set to "Instructional." (Choices are Administrative, Instructional, or Research; but only Instructional is used.) No reporting should be done on this field.

Original Appointment Begin Date

This is the date for this employee's original hire into a tenure-eligible position (e.g. Tenure Code of P, Q, or A).

Original Appointment End Date

This is either the termination date of the employee's tenure-able position OR the date on which the tenure record ends (e.g. track switch from tenure-track to non-tenure track).

Terminal Degree

Not editable on this form.

Activity Date

Not editable on this form.

User ID

Not editable on this form.

Appt or Tenure Record


This is the Position Number to which tenure is to be assigned.


This is the Job Suffix to assign tenure to, i.e. the two-character position identifier which, coupled with the position code, designates the specific job.

Time Sheet Organization

Not editable on this form.

Time Sheet COA

Not editable on this form.

This Action Date

Date of transaction entry; defaults on original entry.

Appt or Reappt Begin Date

This is the date the tenure eligible appointment begins or the date a change to the tenure record is made (e.g. on a particular year start there would be two records, one with the partial year begin date and a second one with the 8/16/xx start date).

End Date

Used if terminated or if there is a change to the tenure record

Initial Record

This checkbox is checked if it is the first tenure record entered for this person for this job.


Not editable on this form.

Decision Date

Not editable on this form.

Decision Deferred to Date

Not editable on this form.

Terminal Appointment

This is checked if faculty member is in the last year of the tenure program and has not attained tenure status (checkbox).

Tenure FTE

This is usually but not always equal to the job FTE. Tenure can be granted at one percent and maintained in PEAFACT but may be different on the job.

Activity Date

Not editable on this form.

User ID

Not editable on this form.


Effective Date

During rollback, Effective Date is set to the beginning of the affected academic year containing the rollback, regardless of the "approved" date of the rollback.


Tenure Clock Indicator

During rollback, Effective Date is set to the beginning of the affected academic year containing the rollback, regardless of the "approved" date of the rollback.

Tenure Adjustment Date

This is the first date of the Academic Year that the tenure agreement is fully executed.

Tenure Code

Indicates the type of tenure being given:

  • A = Indefinite Tenure;
  • L=Initial/Partial Term MYC (Multi-Year Contract, status Ineligible);
  • M=Multi-Year Contract agreement (status Ineligible);
  • N=Initial/Partial-Term;
  • P=Probationary/On-Tenure-Track;
  • Q=Q Probation;
  • T=Terminal Year;
  • W=Written Agreement - Waive tenure right (status Ineligible);
  • X=Terminal MYC (Multi-Year Contract, status Ineligible)
Tenure Status

Not editable here; value displayed dependant on Tenure Code

Tenure Tracking Begin Date

The date the 'tenure clock' starts

Tenure On

Date tenure is achieved

Tenure Review Date

This is the latest date by which tenure review can be completed.

Tenure Organization

This identifies the Organization granting tenure.

Rank Records


This Action Date

This is the entry date of this rank record; it defaults to the current date but can be changed.

Initial Record

This checkbox is checked if it is the first time rank is entered for this faculty member.

  • 1 = Professor
  • 2 = Associate Prof.
  • 3 = Assistance Prof.
  • 4 = Reserach Professor
  • 5 = Research Assoc. Prof.
  • 6 = Research Asst. Prof.
  • 9 = Unreported
  • A = Administrative

1 - 3 are standard. Historically, some faculty gained tenure on titles "Research Prof," "Research Associate Prof," and "Research Asst Prof," so if a history record is added for them, 4 - 6 may be used. 'A' is used when emeritus status is given to an Administrator (e.g. Dean); 9 is not currently used, but could be if tenure code 'W' is approved.

Rank Effective Date

This represents the date the tenured or tenure-track status at the above rank was conferred; it defaults from 'This Action Date' but can be changed.

Emeritus Status

This checkbox is only checked when Emeritus status has been conferred.

Academic Title

Only used for Emeritus full title.


Decision for Rank

Not editable here.

Decision Date

Not editable here.

Decision Deferred to Date

Not editable here.

User ID

Not editable here.

Activity Date

Not editable here.

Faculty Leave Records


This Action Date

This is the entry date of this leave record; it defaults to current date but can be changed (e.g. if sabbatical is cancelled).

Leave Type

If sabbatical is cancelled, SB record is converted to SC, rather than adding an SC record.

    Valid Values
  • SB = Sabbatical Leave
  • SC = Sabbatical Leave Cancelled

Not editable on this form.


This code represents the academic term and pay of the sabbatical. A first letter of S = 9/12 faculty, Y = 12/12 faculty. The remaining 3 digits indicate how pay is taken (1 Sem at 1/2 pay, 2 Sem at 2/3 pay, 3/4 Year at Full Pay, etc.). It is table driven.

Leave Requested From Date

This date is the beginning of sabbatical leave represented as the first date of the chosen semester (8/16/xx or 1/1/xx). UIC only: Rare, but can have a date other than the end date of the semester for 12/12 faculty.

Approved Leave Begin Date

This should be the same as the From Date.

Approved Leave End Date

This should be the same as the To Date.

Expected Return Date

This is the first day of the semester the faculty member would return if 9/12 faculty (i.e., if leave ends 5/15, expected return date would be 8/16). For 12/12 faculty, it would be the day after the "approved leave end date." Used by UIC; not used by UIUC or UIS.

Commitment Fulfillment

Not editable here.

Fulfillment Due Date

For sabbatical leave, this is the date the report is due in the department. UIC: If on leave for Fall semester (ends 12/31), report is due by last day of the next semester (5/15). UIS: Use 8/16 of the next academic year.

Fulfillment Date

The date here indicates when the commitment is completed. UIC: Date FAHR receives faculty member's sabbatical leave report. UIS: Date Provost's Office receives report. UIUC: Date the report was submitted to the department.


Enter comments if the sabbatical is cancelled, postponed to next year, etc.


Not editable on this form.

Decision Date

Not editable on this form.

Decision Deferred to Date

Not editable on this form.

PAF Transaction Status

Not editable on this form.

PAF Transaction Number

Not editable on this form.

User ID

Not editable on this form.

Activity Date

Not editable on this form.

Percent of Leave

This should always be entered as 100 on an SB record; in cases where SB is changed to SC, 100 should remain here, and not be changed.

Fields on PEAFACT which are Not Used


    • Birth State or Province
    • Institution Credit
    • AAUP Member

      Appt or Tenure record

    • Previous Tenure Grant
    • Tenure Credit This Appt
      • Review Type
      • Next Review Date
      • Discipline
      • Faculty Type
      • Tenure
      • Review Type

      Approval or Appeal

      • Approval Code
      • Level
      • Approver
      • Action
      • Decision Date
      • Deferral Date
      • Last Level
        Appeal Information
      • Appeal Date
      • Approval Code
      • Level
      • Reviewer
      • Action
      • Decision Date
      • Deferral Date
      • Last Level

      Rank Records

      • Next Review Date

      Faculty Leave Records

      • Actual Return Date
      • Next Eligibility Date
      • Next Leave Type
      • Regular FTE